He said there is no leader with a pan-India acceptability who can take on Modi and no party which can challenge the BJP in 2019.
The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister said the opposition needs to shift its strategy "from mere criticism to a positive alternative" and the results in other states give some hope that the BJP is not unbeatable.
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In a short twitter-spree, he said, "How the hell did almost all the experts/analysts miss this wave in UP? It's a tsunami not a ripple in a small pond."
"Punjab, Goa and Manipur would certainly suggest that the BJP isn't unbeatable but strategy needs to shift from criticism to positive alternate.
"I have said this before and I will say it again the voter needs to be given an alternative agenda that is based on what we will do better," he said.
Abdullah said criticising the Prime Minister "will only take us so far" and that the voter needs to know there is an option available to them that has a clear positive road map.