In a memorandum to the Governor, a BJP delegation said it was concerned at the violence in minority-dominated areas in Bangladesh such as Satkhira, Noakhali, Pabna, Narsingdi, Lakshmipur, Banskhali, Rupnagar following the Shahbag protests in Dhaka and the reaction of obscurantist and fundamentalist forces in that country.
"Of special concern are the arson attacks on the houses, properties and temples of minority communities by religious fundamentalists and zealots in Bangladesh. It appears that any disturbance in Bangladesh is fair excuse for the fundamentalist forces for tormenting its minorities," it said.
It alleged that some of these intellectuals cried foul at American attacks on Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iraq and Afghanistan. "But about persecution of their first cousins in erstwhile East Pakistan and Bangladesh, they have been strangely silent.
"Opposed to this, in the case of attacks on Tamils in Sri Lanka, all the political parties and the Tamil Nadu government had caused the Central Government to put pressure on the Government of Sri Lanka for the safety of Tamils in that country. But all political parties of India have remained silent on the issue of violence on minorities at Bangladesh, 'presumably with a view to guarding their vote bank in India'.
The BJP also requested the governor to get the West Bengal government to prevent illegal entry of infiltrators while at the same time allowing entry of refugees and arranging at least camp accommodation for them.