"This question does not arise. They - party founders Atal Behari Vajpayee, L K Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi - are guides and philosophers of ours," Chouhan, here to woo investors for the Global Investors Meet to be held in Madhya Pradesh in October, told reporters.
Marking a radical generational shift, BJP had yesterday dropped Vajpayee, Advani and Joshi from the BJP Parliamentary Board, the highest decision-making body headed by BJP President Amit Shah.
"The veteran leaders who spent their entire lives in building the party will continue to be our guides and philosophers. It is because of them lakhs of party workers have come up in life. Even in future, the government and the Sanghathan, will seek guidance from them," Chouhan added.
Asked to comment on a Supreme Court's suggestion that the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers should desist from inducting corrupt ministers into the cabinet, Chouhan said, "From the very beginning our stand on it has been clear. To include such people facing criminal and corrupt charges into the cabinet is not good."