Questioning Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's "intentions" behind the move, the party said it will hold demonstrations across Delhi if the city government does not withdraw the decision that will "directly impact" the common man in the next two-three days.
"Is this the outcome of Delhi Dialogue? Did the public ask you to revise VAT rates? This will have a direct impact on the lives of the common people," Delhi BJP President Satish Upadhyay said.
"They have even made cable TV costly. Is this Swaraj Budget. And then the government claims of having revenue surplus," BJP's South Delhi MP Ramesh Bidhuri said in a press conference.
"Take back the decision in the next two-three days. Otherwise, we will resort to chakka jam and strikes in the markets by talking to traders associations," Upadhyay said.
The party also sought to know the reason behind Kejriwal having "nearly 200 employees" as his Secretariat staff. "Is this how you run an austere government?," it asked.