When asked by reporters if the BJP would fight against its former ally Shiv Sena, Javadekar said, "Our fight is against the Congress and NCP, and the bad governance."
He, however, said his party has decided not to speak anything against the Sena and also not to react to any adverse comments made by their former 25-year-old partner, with whom the BJP split last week.
"Our party is confident that we will come to power and provide good governance to the state citizens who have been reeling under problems for so long," he said.
"Our only aim is to come to power in the state on our own and serve the state, as we have been doing at the Centre," he further said.
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Javadekar also said the party would soon release its 'agenda' for the state.
When asked about the controversy over a candidature form filled by Sena leader Anant Tare, who had revolted from his party and filed nomination as BJP candidate which was later rejected as he had filed a photocopy of the party's AB form, Javadekar said "it was past and we look at the future," he said.
The senior party leaders will hold meetings in next few days to ensure BJP's win in the October 15 Assembly polls, he added.