While the BJP said they would not ask for the post of LoP, but may consider if the speaker offers them one, deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia refused to comment on the issue. Both sides want the other to decide on the issue.
"We will not ask for the post of the Leader of Opposition. But we want the speaker to go by the rule book," Vijender Gupta, BJP's Leader of Legislature party told reporters.
Deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia too refused to comment over the issue. "Lets see," Sisodia said when asked about the issue.
AAP sources said although the party was keen to offer the BJP the post of LoP, it wants the saffron party to take the first step.
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"Giving them LoP will hardly make any difference to us. In Lok Sabha, the Congress has been waiting for the post of LoP for the past eight months.
The BJP finds itself in a tricky situation. After the party's spectacular win in the Lok Sabha polls, the Congress was reduced to 44 seats. Despite being the second largest party in the Lok Sabha, the BJP has still not offered the post of LoP to the Congress.
Ironically, in Delhi, the BJP has been reduced to three MLAs and does not qualify for the post of LoP.
Meanwhile, newly elected speaker Ram Niwas Goel has said that he will take up the matter with BJP as the government has already made it clear that LoP will go to the BJP.