"These forces had also come together during the Lok Sabha polls, but BJP led-by Narendra Modi won. They have united again for the Assembly polls, but BJP will win despite all their efforts," Irani said.
Top leaders of the alliance, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, RJD chief Lalu Prasad and SP leader Shivpal Singh Yadav had yesterday shared dais at a 'Swabhiman Rally' to put up a joint show of strength against the BJP.
"Our aim is to train 80,000 community health workers in Bihar every year. Class-X pass community health workers with zero to three years of experience will be eligible for it without leaving their jobs," she said.
The Minister said the course would contribute towards realising the Prime Minister's dream of clean, healthy and strong India. Bihar has around four lakh health workers.
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She said, "533 Primary Health Centres (PHC) functioning in blocks across the state will function as study centres of this programme and health workers working in them can undergo training."
"Such students are already self-dependent, but we want them to be able to support their families and etch their name in the society," Irani added.