BJP's Mahanagar unit workers burnt the CM's effigy at Parade Ground in the heart of the city and alleged that after being grilled by the CBI in New Delhi in connection with the sting operation Rawat asked his aides to stop telecast of programmes of the channel.
Terming it as an attack on the fourth pillar of democracy, slogan shouting BJP members said they will not tolerate a move like this which reminded them of the Emergency.
Party spokesman Vinay Goel also condemned the move.
However, Rawat's spokesman and media adviser Surendra Kumar refuted the charge saying BJP was spreading just another lie.
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"It is mere sensationalism and rumour mongering by BJP. The Congress government has always believed in freedom of expression and will continue to believe in it. But we also appeal for judicious use of this licence which is everybody's responsibility," Kumar said.
The channel had made the sting CD which purportedly showed Harish Rawat negotiating a deal to buy support of rebel MLAs.