Adhia said while the total number of disclosures is 638, as stated last week, the total illegal foreign assets brought to book stands revised upward at Rs 4,147 crore.
The government's total tax receipt from the black money declared during the window will be Rs 2,488.20 crore.
The government had on October 1 declared that a total of Rs 3,770 crore of black money was declared during the compliance window. This, he said, was based on preliminary count of the declarations made.
The one-time 90-day compliance window provided to holders of undeclared foreign assets ended September 30. It provided an opportunity to foreign assets holders to declared assets, pay a total of 60 per cent tax and penalty and escape stringent provisions of the new black money law.
He said under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), signed with the US, India has already started getting information. "Wealth of information has come from US," he said.