There are 91.80 lakh voters in Mumbai, who are eligible to vote in the upcoming civic polls. During the 2012 BMC elections, only 42 per cent voters had cast their votes.
Talking about the steps that the civic body's election department has undertaken, a senior BMC official involved in the process said, "This time, we are going extra mile. Apart from following the conventional methods to educate and awaken the voters of the metropolis, we have gone extra mile to persuade people to vote at any cost, who have got an unwanted tag of being 'lethargic' voters."
LEDs and hoardings placed at important junctions of the city would also flash appeals to vote, he said adding, "Even the exterior parts of airports, octroi booths, ATM kiosks, etc would be lit up with messages urging people to come forward and vote," he said adding that housing societies, hotel owners and colleges have also been contacted to motivate the voters.
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115 colleges, whose students would perform skits and form human chain at places with high footfall in the city. This will be done after due consultations with Mumbai University.
Apathy among middle class and upper-middle class voters and names missing from electoral rolls are said to be the two prime reasons why the megacity has always lagged in voter turnout.
"People here are least interested in politics compared to any other region of India and this is why Mumbai had dismal voting percentage of 42 per cent in the last municipal election held in 2012. Therefore, in order to improve this voter turnout this year, we have taken some extra measures," the official said.