Following this, shares of BoB fell 3.73 per cent to settle at Rs 879.15 on the BSE. During the day, it was down 4.34 per cent to Rs 873.60.
At the NSE, the stock slipped 4.51 per cent to end the day at Rs 872.85.
On the volume front, 1.78 lakh shares of the company changed hands at the BSE, while more than 20 lakh shares were traded at the NSE during the day.
The foreign share holding through FIIs/Registered Foreign Portfolios Investors (RFPIs)/NRIs/PIOs in Bank of Baroda has reached the trigger limit.
"Hence, further purchases of equity shares of this bank would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India," RBI had said in a notification yesterday.