Ram Kishore, father of the deceased, accused one Imran and five others of the same village of killing his son Raghuraj, who he claimed had helped a girl in lodging a complaint against them for molesting her on Monday.
An FIR was lodged against Imran and five others.
Confirming this, SP Arvind Sen Yadav said "on the complaint of the parents, a case of murder has been lodged and one of the accused has been taken into custody."
Yadav, along with ASP BB Singh and SDM Vinod Gupta rushed to the village pacify the agitated villagers and maintain the calm.
Besides, police and Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) teams have also been deployed in the area to avoid any untoward situation.
Meanwhile, the district BJP president Vinod Mishra and prominent BJP leader Eira Srivastava called on the aggrieved family and condoled.