Boeing is acting as the prime contractor, and Lockheed is the main teammate in the bid to supply the Air Force's Long-Range Strike Bombers, the companies said in a joint statement.
"Boeing and Lockheed Martin are bringing together the best of the two enterprises, and the rest of industry, in support of the Long-Range Strike Bomber program, and we are honored to support our US Air Force customer and this important national priority," said Dennis Muilenburg, president and chief executive of Boeing Defense, Space & Security.
The planes are to become part of the fleet after 2020, Gulick said.
Esimates put the value of each plane at USD 550 million.
Both US companies have projects underway for the air force. Boeing is developing the KC-46 refueling tanker and Lockheed is working on the newest stealth F-35 fighter jet.
"The team will be able to produce unique and affordable solutions that could not be achieved without partnering," they said.