After rising 4.26 per cent to Rs 243.10 in intra-day trade on the BSE, shares of BoI ended at Rs 236.55, up 1.46 per cent, from its previous close.
At the NSE, it settled with a gain of 2.15 per cent at Rs 237.70.
The bank has decided to issue and allot up to 2.26 crore shares of Rs 10 each for cash at Rs 283.50 per share, including premium of Rs 273.50 per equity share, at a price as determined in accordance with Sebi regulation aggregating up to Rs 641.99 crore on preferential basis, BOI had said in a notice to the BSE yesterday.
LIC currently holds 12.53 per cent stake in Bank of India. Following the fresh investment, stake of LIC would further go up.