Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor who was suffering from COVID-19, was discharged from the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences here on Monday after her two test reports came negative, officials said.
She would, however, have to remain in isolation at her home for some days.
"Kanika Kapoor has been discharged on Monday after her two reports came negative. One of her reports came negative two days ago. On Sunday evening also her report was negative after which she was discharged," SGPGI Director R K Dhiman told PTI.
She tested positive on March 20 and the next day was booked by the Uttar Pradesh police for negligence and committing acts that were likely to spread the disease after she attended at least three gatherings in Lucknow, including a party where political leaders were present.
The FIR was lodged on the complaint of the Lucknow chief medical officer.