The 8.83 per cent government securities maturing in 2023 declined to Rs 100.7050 from Rs 100.78 previously, while its yield inched-up to 8.72 per cent from 8.71 per cent.
The 8.28 per cent government security maturing in 2027 slipped to Rs 93.35 from Rs 93.46, while yield edged-up to 9.14 per cent from 9.13 per cent.
The 8.24 per cent government security maturing in 2027 also moved-down to Rs 93.11 from Rs 93.23, while its yield moved-up to 9.16 per cent from 9.14 per cent.
The overnight call money rate ended lower at 7.50 per cent from yesterday's level of 8.50, it moved in a range of 8.50 per cent and 7.50 per cent.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) purchased securities worth Rs 275.57 billion in 41-bids at the one-day repo auction at a fixed rate of 8.00 per cent today morning, while sold securities worth Rs 10.38 billion from 8-bids at the 1-day reverse repo auction at a fixed rate of 7.00 per cent as on yesterday evening.