The show centres around a group of captive wives of a rebel officer in the Liberian Civil War, and "12 Years a Slave" star portrays a semi-literate 15-year-old who becomes the fourth wife of the commanding officer.
Following her performance on Saturday, Lupita and her co-stars paid tribute to 219 schoolgirls, who went missing in Nigeria in 2014. They were joined by Bono, who called out the media for failing to report the news item.
"They were taken from their high school 747 days today. "If they were American or Irish girls, we'd get a daily report," he said.
The missing girls were kidnapped from the Government Secondary School in Borno State by Islamist extremists Boko Haram.
Last month, their captors released a video showing 15 girls who appeared to be some of the girls. The video was apparently taken in December, 2015.