"Behind The Door: The Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp Story" by South African journalists Mandy Wiener and Barry Bateman explores the characters involved, relates courtroom interactions and unpacks the forensic and circumstantial evidence.
The book, brought out by Pan Macmillan India, has details of what happened on that fateful night of February 14, 2013 when double-amputee Pistorius shot dead Steenkamp at his house near Pretoria and the trial that followed. It is likely to hit the bookstores in the first week of October and will also incorporate details of the verdict.
The revealing account of the investigation and trial will also have details of the police investigation, the nature of the South African criminal justice system, the culture of violence in South Africa and the need of society to create flawed heroes who are destined to fail.
Pan Macmillan South Africa has acquired world rights to the book. Wiener is the author of "Killing Kebble", an expose of the Brett Kebble murder while her colleague Bateman is one of the first journalists on the scene of Steenkamp's shooting and who has been one of the stand-out scribes writing about the case on social media.