As part of streamlining the process for public issue of shares and convertibles, Sebi last November reduced the time taken for getting listed to six working days from earlier 12 from the day the offer is closed.
In a circular today, Sebi said stock exchange may validate the electronic bid details with depository's records for PAN and other details "at periodic intervals throughout the bidding day during the bidding period and bring the inconsistencies to the notice of intermediaries concerned".
"Syndicate members, registered brokers of stock exchanges, depository participants (DPs) and registrars to an issue and share transfer agents (RTAs) registered with Sebi, may also forward the physical application forms received by them on day-to-day basis during the bidding period to designated branches of the respective self certified syndicate banks (SCSBs) for blocking of funds," it said.
Such applications should have a value of not more than Rs 2 lakh.
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Besides, the market regulator said the bourses may share the electronic bid file for applications with value not more than Rs 2 lakh with RTA or share transfer agent to the issue on daily basis and that in turn may be shared with each self certified syndicate banks (SCSBs).
These clarifications have been issued after discussions with market participants with an "endeavor to make the public issue process more efficient and robust".