The cricketer, who is quite popular in India, is set to launch the collection, at the Australian design showcase of 'Oz Fest'- a wide-ranging cultural festival of Australia that is scheduled to run in India from October 2013 to February 2014.
"This year Oz fest will open with Australian design showcase at WIFW in Delhi", Kathryn Deyell, First Secretary Public Diplomacy, Australian High Commission said today while announcing the line up of events for the five-month long festival.
The scarves, fashioned from Australian Merino Wool have been handwoven by the Panchachuli women weavers in the foothills of Himalayas.
"Last year's festival brought so many creative Australians to India. I'm looking forward to being part of Oz Fest's return and launching my new collaborative fashion project at WIFW next week," Lee said in a statement.