The small forest of marijuana plants, covering an area of the size of a football pitch, was discovered after a call from a member of the public.
Kingston-Upon-Thames police found more than 150 plants, some more than 5 feet, which are now to be destroyed, the Guardian reported.
"The area these plants were growing on was the size of a football pitch, it looked like a small forest of Christmas trees and was complete with a gazebo," PC Sarah Henderson said.
"Whoever set this up used a really remote spot - the only way to get there was a 20-minute walk through wasteland. But all their time, trouble and gardening skills will go unrewarded, as the whole lot will now be destroyed by police," she said.
Also Read
While many cannabis farms are grown indoors using special lamps and watering systems to increase the potency of the drug, it is possible to cultivate the drug outdoors.
Cannabis is classified as a Class B drug in the UK, which means growing, possessing or distributing the substance is illegal.
Penalties for unlicensed production stretch up to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine.