A British royal family satire featuring a cartoon Prince George and his "modern Aunt Meghan" is coming to HBO Max, the streaming platform announced Tuesday.
The animated comedy will be based on a popular Instagram parody account which imagines a young George's scathing reactions to news stories about Meghan and the wider royal family.
It will portray the Windsors through "the eyes of a young Prince George," and feature notable characters in his life including "his modern Aunt Meghan and Uncle Harry."
A recent post linked to an article about Harry and Meghan losing their royal titles featured a shocked-looking George with the caption: "Oh my God, they'll be... people."
The show is billed as "a biting, satirical look at the life of Prince George," following him "from the 775 rooms of Buckingham Palace to his family's sea of corgis to primary school with commoners."
It will air on upcoming streaming platform HBO Max, which is set to be launched by WarnerMedia in May, and will also feature the new prequel to "Game of Thrones."