Mythin Madhar was arrested after a check of his passport by immigration officials showed it to be fake, they said, adding he was then subjected to a body search.
He was later handed over to airport police and booked under IPC Sections 467 (Forgery of valuable security, will, etc) 468 (Forgery for purpose of cheating) and 471 [using as genuine a forged document or electronic record] and 12(1)B of the Passport act.
'Police' Fakruddin, arrested on October 4, is among the three key suspects in the 2011 Advani pipe bomb case - the other two being Panna Ismail and Malik.
Panna Ismail and Bilal Malik were apprehended at Putur on the Tamil Nadu-Andhra Pradesh border on October 5 in a joint operation by police forces of both states.