The arrangement has been made following an order of the Gauhati High Court in 1999, V S Sampath today told a press conference here.
He said leaders of some organisation had met him yesterday and said that new Bru voters were being included in haste and there was a chance that names of people, who were not eligible to vote in the state, could be included in the voters' list.
"We will ensure that no wrong entries were made and re-verify the new entrants if required," the CEC said, adding that the Chief Electoral Officers of both Mizoram and Tripura were instructed to ensure free and fair elections in the Bru relief camps.
Civil societies in Mizoram had earlier expressed apprehension that the presence of armed groups in relief camps would hinder free and fair polls in the camps and insisted that Bru voters cast their votes in their respective polling stations inside Mizoram.