The currency derivatives trading volume crossed Rs 4,000-crore mark and stood at Rs 4,004.33 crore in a single day with total contacts standing at 6,40,287, a BSE statement said here.
The currency derivatives segment was launched on November 28. In two months, BSE has been successful in achieving an average turnover of well above Rs 3,000 crore each day for the week ended February 7.
"BSE has seen an increase in participation in derivatives market over the last few months with more than 5 crore orders per day in derivatives market.
Our new trading system provides response time of 200 micro seconds and is capable of handling 5,00,000 orders per second, he said.
"All market participants such as algo traders, high frequency traders, dealers, manual and retail traders, financial institutions have liked BSE's new offering. Going further, as more investors adopt the new trading system, we expect the liquidity to increase manifold," he added.