BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd officials said Delhi has a potential to save 760 MW of power daily and the joint venture between the two firms is aimed at offering BRPL consumers energy efficiency solutions.
BRPL officials said by deploying these energy efficiency solutions, consumers can reduce their energy bills anywhere between 10 and 30 per cent without compromising on any of their energy needs.
"The energy efficiency services will help BRPL consumers better optimise their resources; bring out energy efficiency and consequently a significant reduction in their electricity consumption," BRPL CEO Gopal Saxena said.
As part of the consumer engagement exercise, Schneider, as a technical partner, will study the electricity load, load profile, power factor of a consumer and diagnose the efficiency of energy utilisation through various methods, including energy audits.
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"In fact, these energy efficiency solutions pay for themselves. An organisation can recover its investment on these energy efficiency solutions within 12 to 36 months, depending on the consumption pattern," a BRPL official said.
Saxena said the discom entered into the partnership with Schneider Electric as a part of its initiatives towards environmental sustainability, energy security and reduction in carbon emissions.