The list of candidates was announced by Haryana BSP President Naresh Saran at Karnal. In its first list released in July, the BSP had declared 17 candidates.
However, during the release of the second list today, party's Chief Ministerial candidate Arvind Sharma was not present.
Saran announced the list at the residence of BSP candidate from Assandh Maratha Virender Verma at Jhanjhari village, located on the outskirts of Karnal.
Mayawati had decided to project Sharma as the party's CM candidate.
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Saran said that the candidates were announced today after they were cleared by party president Mayawati.
Reiterating party's stand that the BSP would contest without any alliance, Saran said that names of rest of the 57 candidates would be announces soon.
"We will contest in the Haryana assembly polls without forging any alliance with any party. Our party will field candidates on all 90 assembly segments," he said.
Among those whose names were announced today included Sudama Baudh (Barwala), Rajwanti (Bawal-SC), Mahesh Rana (Hodal-SC), Surinder Yadav (Nangal Chaudhary), Gopiral Chalia (Jhahhar-SC), Dalbir Mann (Guhla-SC) and Karnail Singh Nagla (Mullana-SC).