The 'two-minute silence' was observed by BSP members who stood up soon after Brajesh Pathak raised the issue. Pathak, whose party is in opposition in Uttar Pradesh, while speaking on the Motion of Thanks to the President's address talked about "deteriorating" law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh and the killing of the DSP.
Yesterday, when members of the Upper House condoled the death of 13 school children in a road accident in Punjab and stood up to observe silence in their memory, Satish Misra (BSP) had sought a similar condolence in memory of Pratapgarh DSP Zia-ul-Haq, who was gunned down last week.
Ansari had, however, disallowed it, saying the House has an established practice in this regard.
The DSP was killed allegedly by a mob on Saturday. His wife has accused Raghuraj Pratap Singh alias 'Raja Bhaiya', who has subsequently resigned as a minister.