As soon as Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh introduced the newly-inducted minister Anil Sharma, holding the charge of Animal Husbandry and Panchayati Raj, the entire opposition sought a ruling on two adjournment motions on phone-tapping, removing the name of former Prime Minister A.B.Vajpayee from welfare schemes and closure of colleges set up during the previous rule.
Senior BJP member Suresh Bharadwaj wanted to know the fate his adjournment motion as soon as the Question Hour was taken up the Speaker B.B.L. Butail and said the motion pertained to reported moves by the Congress government to change the name of the schemes named after Vajpayee.
The Speaker said he has received the notices and the same are under consideration and did not give any ruling and proceeded with the Question Hour.
The BJP members, adamant on a discussion, started raising slogans and nothing could be heard in the din.
All efforts of the Speaker to pacify the BJP members yielded no result and he asked the Chief Minister if he wanted to give any statement on the issues raised by the opposition.