"We have spoken to both Budhia and his mother Sukanti Singh. They are at Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu and not abducted as alleged. The boy and his mother are likely to return to the city on July 24 or 25," Commissioner of Police, Bhubaneswar-Cuttack Y B Khurania told reporters here.
Rejecting the possibility of abduction of the marathon boy, who set a record by running over 60 km from Puri to Bhubaneswar at the age of six, Khurania said, "Both the mother and son told me that they went to Kodaikanal on their own. None had abducted them."
Asked about the city police registering a case under section 363 (kidnapping) of IPC, Khurania said the case was made on the complaint of the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) Khurda. "We'll interact with Budhia and his mother after they return to the state," Khurania said.
Meanwhile, the police have visited his mother's house at Salia Sahi slum and talked to his sister.
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While the sports hostel has no information about the whereabouts of Budhia, the boy has taken leave from the school authorities till July 27, officials said.