The CID series, telecast on a private channel, will show Bula as giving tips to a budding swimmer who will later face a violent end on the eve of a championship and things going haywire in the international swimmer-turned small screen swimming coach's life ever since, a spokesman of the channel said.
Commenting on her natural flair of acting, the spokesman said even if she did not look like a born actor, she looked every part considering it was her first shot.
The Arjuna Awardee and Padmasree recipient, when contacted, said "I was taken aback when first approached. But they convinced me and I enjoyed the two-days shooting schedule including the one in Anderson Club at Rabindra Sarobar."
Taking pains to explain the story was not influenced by any real life incident, the producers said "It is a thriller with murder and sports thrown in but reel-life.
"We have plans to bring in cricketer Deep Dasgupta in future." he said.