For the first time in 35 years, the San Isidro festival, which opens the bull-fighting season in Spain, had to be suspended late Tuesday because all the matadors had been injured.
"Drama in Las Ventas" ran the front page headline of conservative daily ABC over a full-page photograph of a huge bull plunging its right horn into the side of the most seriously injured matador, David Mora, before he fell to the ground.
Spanish media devoted broad coverage to the bloody turning of the tables in Las Ventas, reputed to be the most important bullring in the world.
"In the 68-year history of San Isidro, two bullfights have been suspended for gorings of matadors, both in 1979," it said.
The first bull on the programme, a black, 532-kilogramme animal named Deslio, knocked over Mora during a pass as his yellow-and-pink cape swirled in the wind.
Mora tumbled to the sand beneath his cloak but the bull immediately returned to its prey, head down, ramming its horn deep into his leg and tossing him over repeatedly.