K Vijay Kumar (57), who was working as Cost Advisor with the Ministry of Food, lived in his house at Kaka Nagar area along with his wife Sita (51), a manager with a bank in South Delhi, and her daughter Varanya (22), according to police.
"The incident came to light at around 4:15 pm when Kumar's daughter reached the house and found the main door of the house, latched from inside, was not opened by anybody even after she rang the bell several times.
A PCR call was made at around 4:30 pm after which a police team with senior officials reached the spot and entered the house after breaking open the main door.
"Kumar was found lying in a pool of blood on the floor of a room while his wife was found hanging using her dupatta from the ventilator of an adjacent room. A deep cut was found on Kumar's neck which indicated that his throat was slit," the official said.
Police have registered a case of murder and three teams are investigating it from all possible angles. No signs of forced entry in the house were found, police said.