Kanwaljit Singh Walia made the highest bid in an open auction conducted by Chandigarh's Registering and Licensing Authority (RLA) for number '0001' in CH-01-BC series for his Activa scooter, an RLA official said here.
"I bought this '0001' number for the Activa scooter that I gifted my son on his marriage," Walia said today.
Walia, who is in catering business, already possess two '0001' numbers for his two ultra luxury four-wheelers.
Besides, Walia also bought two other registration numbers '0011' and '0026' for a high-end motorcycle and a four wheeler by paying Rs 2.02 lakh and Rs 61,000 respectively.
The auction, which was held on May 9 here for CH-01-BC series numbers from '0001' to '9999', contributed Rs 77.71 lakh to the state exchequer.
The second highest bid was made for '0009' number which went to a Chandigarh-based firm for Rs 4.01 lakh, the RLA official said here.