During the maneuver, the solar-powered, windmill-shaped Juno briefly slipped into Earth's shadow and emerged over India's east coast.
Snapping pictures during the swing past Earth, Juno hurtled 560 billion kilometres above the ocean off the coast of South Africa, the point of closest encounter.
Previous missions to the outer solar system have used Earth as a celestial springboard since there's no rocket powerful enough to make a direct flight. The Galileo spacecraft buzzed by Earth twice in the 1990s en route to Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet located 780 million kilometers from the sun.
NASA and the European Space Agency said ground controllers in Australia and Spain picked up a signal from the spacecraft shortly after the pass. But engineers were puzzled by the low data rate and were investigating.
At closest approach, Juno passed over the coast of South Africa where NASA said skywatchers with binoculars or a small telescope may see it streak across the sky, weather permitting. Ham radio operators around the globe were encouraged to say "Hi" in Morse code -- a message that may be detected by Juno's radio.