Members of the BJP's youth wing, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM), Thursday burnt an effigy of newly elected MP from Sambhal, Shafiqur Rahman Barq, for refusing to chant 'Vande Mataram' after taking oath as a member of the Lok Sabha.
After reading out his oath in the House on Tuesday, the Samajwadi Party MP had refused to chant 'Vande Mataram', saying "it's against Islam". His statement drew protests from members of the treasury benches who demanded an apology from him.
BJYM activists burnt Barq's effigy at Fawwara Chowk in Chandausi area here.
District unit chief of BJYM, Vishal Chauhan, said, "Shafiqur Rahman Barq while taking oath in the Lok Sabha had opposed 'Vande Mataram', saying it is against Shariat. This shows his anti-India mindset. We would request the Government of India to disqualify him as MP."