The body of a Naxal was recoverednear the site of Saturday's encounter in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district, taking the number of ultras killed in the incident to two, police said on Sunday.The gunfight had taken place between Maoist ultras and security forces in Damankonta Jungles along Tongpal and Puspal Police stations limits on Saturday evening."The body of a Naxal, with bullet injuries, was recovered some 2 kilometres away from the encounter spot on Sunday afternoon. His identity has not been ascertained. We have recovered a 315 bore rifle, ammunition, explosives and items of daily use," Inspector General of Police (Bastar range) Sundarraj P told PTI.The encounter, which started when a team led by Tongpal Station House Officer (SHO) Vijay Patel had launched the operation based on specific inputs, had left one Naxal dead.An official identified the Naxal whose body was found on Saturday as Mahadev, "section commander" of the outlawed group's "platoon number 31" who carried a reward of Rs 3 lakh on his head.