Chhattisgarh Chief MinisterBhupesh Baghel on Tuesday informed the legislative Assembly that the state is facing a debt burden of around Rs 58,000 crore.In a written reply to a question raised by BJP MLA Ajay Chandrakar, Baghel informed that the state has loans to the tune of Rs 57,848 crore, which were taken from various financial institutions.From the time the Congress came to power in the state in December 2018, a loan of Rs 17,729 crore has been drawn till date."From December 1, 2018 to January 31 this year, the state has taken a loan of Rs 17,729 crore," Baghel said.Market loans were drawn through the Reserve Bank of India and loans from NABARD's rural infrastructure development fund, Asian Development Bank/World Bank were taken for infrastructure and other development works in the state, the Chief Minister said.During the aforementioned period, a market loan of Rs 16,400 crore was taken through the RBI, Rs 934.38 crore from NABARD and Rs 394.74 crore from ADB/World Bank, the reply stated.