54-year-old G Sriniwas Rao, government information officer posted at Kondagaon district in Chhattisgarh, and his aide Mukesh Aditya (41) were rescued from Big Boss Resort in Dilip Nagar area on receiving information, an officer of the Aerodrome Police Station here said.
Rao and Aditya told police that a woman named Sapna Sahu held them captive at the resort with the help of her three friends and tortured them.
Sahu invested Rs one lakh to start an NGO, but it didn't get any work, the police officer said.
Infuriated by this, Sahu allegedly invited him to the resort three days ago and held him and his aide captive, demanding Rs two lakh.
When he refused, the two were stripped and tortured by Sahu and her three accomplices who are now absconding, police said.