Two COVID-19 patients weredischarged from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Chhattisgarh's Raipur city on Saturday, following recovery, a health official said.With 32 persons recovering from the deadly infection, the state only has five active cases as of now."A 59-year-old man and a 27-year-old woman from Katghora town of Korba district, were discharged after they tested negative for the virus in two consecutive tests," a public relations officer of the AIIMS told PTI.Only five patients, including a male nursing officer of AIIMS, were undergoing treatment at the hospital, he added.Katghora, located around 200 km from the state capital Raipur, emerged as the COVID-19 hotspot in the state with 27 confirmed cases reported there.However, no positive case was reported from the town in the last eight days.Chhattisgarh COVID-19 figures are as follows: Positive cases 37, new cases 0, deaths 0, discharged 32, active cases 5 and people tested so far 1,1386.