The drug firm's scrip climbed 5.16 per cent to settle at Rs 2,017.30 on BSE. Intra-day session, it gained 6.34 per cent to Rs 2,040.
At NSE, shares of the company ended at Rs 2,011.70, a gain of 5.12 per cent.
The company's market capitalisation rose by Rs 2,028.92 crore to Rs 41,303.92 crore.
"For Q1FY16, Cadila Healthcare posted robust results," said Sarabjit Kour Nangra, VP Research - IT, Angel Broking.
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The company had posted a net profit after taxes, minority interest and share of profit/(loss) of associates of Rs 240.21 crore for the corresponding period of the previous fiscal, Cadila Healthcare said.
Consolidated total income from operations of the company rose to Rs 2,500.65 crore during the quarter under consideration as against Rs 2,050.12 crore in the year ago period.
In a separate filing on BSE, Cadila Healthcare said its Board of Directors has considered and approved the sub-division (split) of one equity share of the company having a face value of Rs 5 into five equity shares of face value of Rs 1 each.