"The incident took place when both the jawans, attached to Chhattisgarh Armed Force (CAF), were returning after security duty at a weekly market in Mirtur village under Bhairamgarh police station limits this evening," Bijapur ASP Abhishek Meena told PTI.
Both the jawans left the Mirtur market place, located around 450 kms away from the state capital Raipur, close to 4 pm and were returning when a small group of Maoists from a forested area ambushed them and opened indiscriminate firing, killing Mukesh Sharma and injuring his colleague Sumeet Kumar.
On getting information of the attack, additional security forces were rushed to the spot, he said.
Mukesh's body was retrieved from the spot and Sumeet was admitted to Jagdalpur hospital, the ASP said.