The report, which was presented in Parliament today, contains the result of performance audit of ESIC for the period between 2008-09 and 2012-13.
As per section 28 of the ESIC Act read with ESI (Central) Rules, 1950, the ESIC may incur expenditure under the administrative expenses head for defraying expenses on maintenance of office building, purchase of furniture and office equipment in respect of offices of the Corporation.
Based on the initial estimates submitted by a firm, the Director General of ESIC in June 2010 sanctioned an amount of Rs 42.87 lakh for the renovation work. The work was awarded with the condition to complete the work in a span of 15 days between June 9 and 24, 2010, the report said.
Later, the ESIC approved part-2 of the modification/rectification and repair work with a sanctioned cost of Rs 1.51 crore in August 2010. The scope of the work was revised and due to extensions, the total cost escalated to Rs. 2.29 crore, the report said.
Besides, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has its own budget for repair and maintenance of the Office of the Minister and repair and maintenance of the Office of Shram Shakti Bhawan falling under the jurisdiction of CPWD.