"Four newly-constructed residential bungalows in Guru Teg Bahadur hospital were not occupied for more than five years rendering Rs 1.26 crore incurred on construction of these bungalows, unfruitful," said CAG in its report.
As per the report, the construction of bungalows was completed in September 2008 at a total cost of Rs 1.26 crore.
Audit scrutiny of records showed that the hospital took over bungalows only in February 2010.
It was further observed that the Principal and MS of GTB had shown their inability to shift to these bungalows due to personal reasons and the bungalows could not be allotted to others as there was no demand.
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A proposal regarding change in use of bungalows was sent to the Department of Health in August 2011, for seeking approval of the Finance Department, which returned (in October 2011) the proposal seeking some clarifications, but the file had since been reportedly missing.
The non-occupancy of these bungalows indicates that "they were constructed without any actual need and the expenditure incurred on construction of these accommodations was rendered unfruitful."
Further, the CAG during its audit found that the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) deviated from its own Business Model, as it was paying regular pay scales and allowances to its faculty members, instead of lump sum package.
The Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation (HSCC) prepared a Business Model for the Institute, which was approved by the Cabinet in May 2006.
As per the model, all doctors and staff of the Institute will be hired on contract basis for four years, extendable based on performance and the salary structure would be comparable with that of AIIMS, excluding that of Consultants and Professors.