Vardhan also wanted to ensure that the benefits of Science and Technology reach the people.
Speaking to the media during a visit to the CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) here, Vardhan said, "Make in India is happening already in institutions under CSIR, Department of Science and Technology and other wings of the Ministry."
The minister said, "Our scientists are getting good recognition in many countries and there is no dearth of innovation in India, but unfortunately Indian industry remains unresponsive to the need to convert our scientific and intellectual acumen into a movement for social good."
The Union Minister, who was taken around the various divisions at the CSIR-NIIST, said the institution could benefit from collaboration with the private sector in commercializing various technology processes and engineering products developed by scientists.
Vardhan expressed keen interest in the pilot plant for production of Bio ethanol from agricultural waste and said the programme would be vital in the country's efforts to attain self-reliance in the energy sector.