In response to Trai's consultation paper on review of interconnection usage charges, Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio, Anil Ambani-promoted RCom and Videocon have asked the regulator to abolish call termination charge, arguing that it makes phone call rates expensive for consumers and advent of new technologies are reducing cost of operations.
"Continuance of IUC, which is only a subsidy for inefficient network, will prevent operators from moving to the newer technologies besides keeping the cost of service at a very high level which only results in higher cost to the consumer," Reliance Jio said in its submission.
"We support a cost-based termination charge, enabling all TSPs to recover the legitimate cost of the termination of a call on their network from other operators. Such a regime is essential to protect and increase network investments," Airtel said.
IUC is determined based on the cost incurred by telecom
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operators in transmitting a call.
At present, the termination charges for a mobile to mobile local and national long distance call is pegged at 14 paise per minute while the termination charges for international incoming call to wireless and wireline stands at 53 paise per minute.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) floated a consultation paper to review phone call termination charges in August following a complaint by industry body COAI against state-run BSNL's fixed mobile telephone service.
The service proposed to allow its customers make phone calls within the country using their landline connection with help of a mobile application even when they are abroad.
The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) approached Trai against BSNL's service alleging that the service will bypass international termination charge (ITC) of 53 paise per minute levied on any call coming from abroad and further bypass other call termination charge by routing call from its landline network.
around 67 paise at present.
New telecom operator Telenor, which operates in six out of 22 telecom circles, also favoured imposing of call termination charges.
"We do not support introduction of Bill and Keep, an approach which we believe is particularly ill-suited to a country such as India which has a calling party pays regime coupled with large differences in footprint and traffic imbalances between mobile operators," Telenor said.
Incumbent telecom operators also questioned Trai move to review termination charges and said that even the mobile termination rate of 14 paise per minute for an incoming call has been challenged by them in the court.
Foundation too favoured imposing of call termination charges.
"In Rural India , where income levels are much lower , customer's incoming calls are 65-70 per cent of the total calls. Hence if Mobile Termination Charges does not cover the cost of termination, there is no incentive for the operator to roll out the networks at great cost and much difficulty," BIF said.
ITU-APT Foundation of India cited presence of huge networks build on old technology in which operational cost is high as one of reason for continuation of termination charges.
"It is submitted that the present telecom network in India is mainly circuit switched and therefore, the termination charge should be determined on cost based and work done principle," ITU-APT Foundation of India said.