Minister of State for Human Resource Development (HRD) Shashi Tharoor today said the government will launch the campaign in the form of "Rashtra Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (national higher education campaign)".
Noting that the government is concerned with the low rate of enrolment in higher education, he said the national campaign will provide incentives to states to improve institutes of higher learning.
"The objective is to improve the enrolment rate in higher education by 30 per cent by 2020," Tharoor said here at the Gen Next Workforce Summit 2013 - Capacity Building for Transformation and Innovation.
Under the campaign, the government proposes the setting up of 374 model degree college in districts which are educationally backward, Tharoor said.
The minister said the country's educational system is currently flexible and integrated taking in diverse subjects and in this regard referred to the launch of four-year undergraduate degree programmes at Delhi University.