A bench, headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar, also asked the petitioner to join the inspection team after he submitted he had inspected the 27 stations and found they have space and it is possible to set up such systems there, contrary to the submission made by DMRC.
"The applicant (petitioner) submits he had inspected the 27 metro stations where according to DMRC the rain water harvesting system could not be installed. Upon inspection, he has found that they have space and it is possible to provide rain water harvesting system in those stations.
"The team may also inspect the premises of Indian Oil Corporation for the purposes of providing rain water harvesting system," the tribunal said.
DMRC had on January 16 informed the Tribunal that it cannot install rain water harvesting systems in 27 of its stations due to lack of space but will set up the system in 17 others.
DMRC had assured NGT it is "planning to physically execute the work at the 17 stations progressively by March 2015".