At least 400 women, including those from Coimbatore, Udhagamandalam and Kochi would participate in the rally, being organised by Inner wheel club's Ernakulam region and OHM entertainment, Padmaja S Menon, Inner Wheel District 320 Chairman, told reporters here.
The rally would also create awareness about cancer.
The Inner wheel is planning to approach Kudumbashree units and get them involved in spreading awareness about the sexual assaults against women-children and cancer, Padmaja said.
The Kudumbashree volunteers would also be taught how to conduct self examination for breast cancer and they would be approaching various households spanning the disticts of Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Kannur, Coimbatore, Erode, Pollachi, Niligirs and Ooty, Anita Thomas CGR Group II, Inner wheel and Jyothi D Aswani, President Inner Wheel club of cochin said.
On Aug 31, 5-6 well known women, including poetess Sugatakumari, drawn from various fields would be honoured.