"The tigress was very weak and had a number of wounds on its head and tail. Maggots had developed on the wounds, which proved fatal for the big cat leading to her death," Mahavir Kaujlagi, deputy director of the park said.
"It was unable to kill big animals and seemed to have come to Masankhambh village in search of easy preys like goats and sheep, but her wounds proved fatal," he said.
The deputy director ruled out any foul play and said," "The tigress was estimated to be 12-year-old with its canines worn out which indicated a normal death due to old age and wounds."
It was being seen in the village from the past few days. Yesterday, it had attacked a villager Kallu but he had survived the attack.
Later, in the evening yesterday, it attempted to kill a goat but succumbed to its wounds, he added.